I have been off work since the end of October with some medical issues. I am starting to feel better now (although I still have one more test to go for, which is next Tuesday), so I have been trying to do a few things that make me feel good.
Last year I received a small desk calendar that uses a CD case as the base. The pictures of fish on the calendar were nice and it was a calendar to advertise a business, but this year I decided to make my own calendar inserts for it, so I got creative!! Here is what I came up with.
I just set up a table format in WordPerfect (still refusing to transfer everything to Word) and typed up the calendar sheets for each month. Each month's sheet can be slipped into place without disturbing the background. I am hoping to paint my computer/spare room a wet cement colour, so I thought the purple would go nice in here!
Of course, I don't have this calendar displayed in my home yet - apparently it's bad luck to switch the year until THE DAY, and we could certainly use some good luck around here! I don't really believe in all that, but it does sit in the back of my mind.